This is the official website of The Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, India.
VISIT : 109th Indian Science Congress
To commemorate the Birth Centenary of our late Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the Association instituted Ten annual award (s) in 1989 to be given to honour Ten distinguished Scientists of the country in recognition of his /her outstanding contribution.
The award carries a Plaque and Certificate. The awardees are entitled to T.A.(Air Fare-economy class - within the country) as per ISCA rules for attending the occasion in which he/she will receive the award.
The Awards are presented at functions to be held at (i) ISCA Headquarters in Kolkata and (ii) any academic institution/university outside Kolkata during the year or in any Chapter. The Award lectures will be held on November 14 and February 28 respectively.
Ten recipients would be requested to speak on the following Ten topics, each on one:
1) Science and Nation Building in the Indian Context.
2) Outstanding Contributions in Science.
The Executive Committee in its meeting held on October 13,2012 resolved that a person shall not be eligible for more than one award /lecture in his lifetime. No one ( except ISCA young scientist awardees) shall be given the second ISCA award under any circumstances.
The Executive Committee in its meeting held on January 01,2019 resolved that while selecting ISCA awardees for ISCA awards their H index and Citation index (in SCOPUS and Google Scholar ) would be taken into account.
The Executive Committee in the Meeting held on October 15, 2019 resolved that for this ISCA Memorial award any life member of not less than Ten years of standing or continuous Annual Member of not less than Ten years of standing and also with Ten years of teaching and research experience in University/College or as a scientist in Government recognized Laboratory/institution can be nominated by a Council member. It is also recommended that the heads of the organizations which are providing funds to ISCA in any form cannot be nominated by a Council member for consideration of any award.
Nominations for these awards are invited from Members of the Council of ISCA.
The final selection is made by the General President.
The last date for receiving nominations is July 31 each year.